Seekers expressing interest in training with the Huntington Coven may be given the opportunity to interview with the High Priestess and High Priest. Questions are supplied in advance because ideally, you’ll want to give your response a good deal of thought. There are no right or wrong answers, nor any trick questions. We are simply trying to get to know you, and what the trajectory of your spiritual journey has looked like so far. We accept all levels of experience, including complete beginners.

  • Legal name:

  • Preferred name:

  • Pronouns:

  • Why are you interested in Wicca, witchcraft, paganism, or magic, broadly?

  • Why are you interested in the Gardnerian tradition specifically?

  • Why are you interested in the Huntington Coven?

  • Have you interviewed with any other local covens? How long ago?

  • Have you ever been a member of a coven, grove, outer court, study group, or book club?

  • What books have you read on Wicca, witchcraft, paganism, or magic?

  • Do you watch any YouTube channels or listen to any podcasts about Wicca, witchcraft, paganism or magic?

  • Do you have a personal spiritual practice? What does it look like?

  • Are you drawn to any particular gods, pantheons, or mythologies?

  • Do you practice any divination? What form of divination are you most comfortable/proficient in?

  • How much time are you willing to devote to coven training and related activities (journal prompts, writing assignments, magical exercises, meditations, zoom calls) each week?

  • What city or neighborhood do you live in and what is your primary method of transportation?

  • Do you have any current commitments that would make regular and consistent attendance a challenge?

  • If you live with other adults (parents, spouse) do they support your decision to pursue coven membership?

  • What do you hope to gain from coven membership?

  • What (talents, skills, abilities) do you anticipate being able to contribute back to a coven and community?

  • What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?