Are you currently accepting students?
While we are always willing to chat with sincere seekers of the Craft, we do not plan on opening our official Outer Court training group to new members again until Spring 2025.
How often do you meet?
We typically meet twice a month. Initiates meet on the Friday nights closest to the Sabbats and Full Moons. Outer Court students meet for lessons and discussions over Zoom on a mutually convenient weeknight, and for rituals on Saturday afternoons.
Does training cost money?
Absolutely not. Several of the videos I recommended in the Resources page go over this in great detail (such as this one). While you may be asked to bring a bottle of wine for ritual, flowers for the altar, or a dish to share for a potluck meal afterwards, cash should never change hands. These items (“donations in kind”) are accepted so that responsibility for comestibles never falls solely on the same one or two coven members every single time. But there is no monetary expense for training, initiation, or subsequent degrees.