Recommended Reading:
If I were going to recommend only three books for someone curious about our practices, and wanted to know if this is something they’d like to pursue further, my top choices are as follows:
Traditional Wicca, Thorn Mooney- hands down, the best book for all of the important information and none of the fluff.
The Heart of Wicca, Ellen Cannon Reed- a good basic primer, fleshed out with more emotion, spirituality, and theology.
The Elements of Ritual, Deborah Lipp- a great breakdown of ritual mechanics.
After those, more general but highly relevant magic/witchcraft/paganism:
Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente
Queen of All Witcheries, Jack Chanek
Magical Power for Beginners, Deborah Lipp
True Magick, Amber K.
A Grimoire of Shadows, Ed Fitch
Psychic Witch, Mat Auryn
Witchfather; A Life of Gerald Gardner, Philip Heselton
In Search of the New Forest Coven, Philip Heselton
Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler
Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton
Doreen Valiente; Witch, Philip Heselton
High Priestess, Patricia Crowther
The Meaning of Witchcraft, Gerald Gardner
Witchcraft Today, Gerald Gardner
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, Raymond Buckland
A Witches’ Bible, Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches’ God, Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches’ Goddess, Janet and Stewart Farrar
Coven Craft, Amber K.
An ABC of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente
Aradia; Gospel of the Witches, Charles Godfrey Leland
Qabalah for Wiccans, Jack Chanek